Polenth's Nothing

Words... Books... Werecockroach

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by Polenth Blake

Werecockroach Cover: a hissing cockroach in wax crayon.


Genre: Science Fantasy / Novella
First Publication Date: 1 April, 2018
Approximate Length: 24000 Words (Novella); 2000 Words (Bonus Short Story)

ASIN (Kindle Edition): B07BTXVNQ8
ISBN (Epub): 9781370465842


Rin moves into a new flat on the day the aliens arrive. Their new flatmates are laid-back Sanjay and conspiracy theorist Pete. It doesn't take long to notice some oddities about the pair, like hoarding cardboard and hissing at people when they're angry. Something strange is going on, but it's not all due to the aliens.


The Kindle edition is available on the following Amazon sites: USA; UK; Germany; France; Spain; Italy; Netherlands; Japan; India; Canada; Brazil; Mexico; Australia

The epub edition is available on these sites: Smashwords; Apple; Barnes & Noble / Nook; Kobo; Everand


These social book sites have pages for the book: Goodreads; LibraryThing; StoryGraph


Items featuring the cover artwork can be purchased from the following places: Zazzle; Society6

Content Guide

The tone is generally light, though it touches on some serious aspects such as the main character being estranged from their family and food insecurity. The book contains insects (cockroaches) depicted in a positive way.

Viewpoint Character Representation: [Rin - Novella] Aromantic, Asexual, Non-Binary (Agender, They Pronouns), Non-White (Ambiguous/Unknown Heritage), Tinnitus, Hidden Hearing Loss, Dyslexic, Working Class. [Addie - Bonus Story] Trans Woman, British Jamaican, Blind (One Eye), Old Age.
Relationships: Mainly friendship/found family with one queerplatonic partnership. Some discussion of dating. One character has a romantic partner who is not shown.
Sex: None.
Violence: Alien invasion/abduction, arson, threats of violence, no deaths.
Swearing: None.

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